What to know about blood tests

For some, the idea of a blood test might make them feel a little squeamish. However, this shouldn’t put you off getting one as blood tests can be a simple and effective method of obtaining information about your body. This can in turn be used to assess general health, diagnose conditions, or gauge the risk of certain diseases. Find out more about how blood testing works below.  

What happens during a blood test 

A blood test is a very simple procedure that involves a small sample of blood being taken, usually from the inside of the elbow. Although it can also be taken from the wrist or finger if necessary. In either case, a small strap may be placed on the arm to help make the vein easier to find. The blood is then sent to a lab or other facility for testing. 

There is minimal preparation needed before having a blood test, although a healthcare professional will sometimes recommend not eating before the test. However, being hydrated will make it easier for a blood sample to be taken. At #HEALTH, we like to sit down with our guests and have a quick before going ahead with any medical treatments or tests. After your blood has been taken, a piece of gauze may need to be held over the puncture spot for a few minutes. 

What types of blood test are there? 

Blood testing performed by a private blood test clinic can vary depending on how the blood is analysed and what it is being tested for. The method used to obtain the blood sample will remain the same. For example, a troponin blood test will check the level of troponin protein in your blood in order to help assess damage to the heart. 

What do blood tests check for? 

There are a wide range of information that can be gathered about the body through a blood test, which means it can be used to diagnose a variety of conditions. It typically takes a few days for the results of a blood test to come back. In contrast, #HEALTH offers rapid blood testing that can have our practitioners get your results in as little as 20 minutes.  

A blood test can reveal the following in its results: 

  • Blood glucose levels. 
  • Level of cholesterol in the blood. 
  • Amounts of certain enzymes and proteins (this can be especially useful for liver function tests). 
  • Rule out or confirm the presence of certain blood conditions or infections. 
  • Chemicals in the blood. 

Book a blood test today

#HEALTH offer blood testing appointments at various locations across the north west. These are designed to be entirely flexible to meet your needs. For instance, our blood tests can assess hormone levels, genetics, and provide information useful for sporting performance. We want our guests to have a comfortable experience when they visit us, which is why we also offer the option of a ‘no needle’ blood test for those that are worried about having blood taken. Contact us if you have any questions. 

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